You can change the background color, orientation, and border width and color of a text object.
Step 1
Double-click a text object, or select a text object and choose Text Attributes (Cmd-M) from the Edit menu.
Step 2
In the Text Attributes dialog, click the Transparent Background button to turn it off.
Step 3
Choose a color from the Color pop-up palette.
Step 4
To rotate text, choose a rotation angle from the Angle pop-up menu, or enter a value between 0 and 359 next to the Angle option.
Step 5
Choose a border style from the Style pop-up menu. If you choose a style other than None, you can change the border color and width.
Step 6
Choose a border color from the Color pop-up palette.
Step 7
Choose a border width from the Width pop-up menu.
Step 8
Click the Type Specifications button to display the Type Specifications dialog where you can change the font, size, color, and style for all text in the text object.
Step 9
Click the Show button in the Text Attributes dialog to preview your selections before you exit the dialog.
Step 10
Click OK to exit the dialog and apply your selections.